Thursday, November 5, 2020

Java better than C++

  Suggest you to learn C++ for competitive programming as it is faster than languages like python or java ..C++ also provides vast library (STL) and resources needed for competitive programming..

Learn Java for development purpose. Here are some points that tells us why java is preferred over C++ for development purpose

  • Platform Independent
    • Unlike C++, when Java is compiled, it is not compiled into platform specific machine, rather into platform independent byte code (.class files). This .class files can be executed by any operating system any platform which have JVM application running in it.
    • So, programs developed and compiled in java in one machine can be executed in any other machine provided JVM for that machine is installed.
  • Secure Application Development
    • To understand how Java is Robust, following two points are just for better understanding.
    • 1. When you compile C or C++ programs, it gives executable file (.exe file) as an output. We don't need any applications to run that .exe file in any OS, we can directly run that .exe file
    • 2. C, C++ programs supports pointers
    • Using C, C++ we can write programs where we can convert a laptop or desktop into a bomb. Computers have some capacitors in it which stores charge. It is possible to write such programs using C++. The moment you double click on .exe file, some of the capacitors in the circuit get bursts. It is possible to write such programs because C,C++ helps us to control hardware using pointers and it's output is .exe file and you don't require any application to run that .exe file.
    • And that is the only reason, why most of the viruses in the world are developed using C or C++. Some people write this type of codes, make virus programs. Somehow that virus comes and sits in your computer and it will get executed on its own and it may interact with your hardware, disk drive or information present in that.
    • In Java, compiled output is .class file. We can run .class file only if JRE is present. JRE is one and only application which can run .class files. So, what ever programs you write is directly under the control of JRE. And Java doesn't have pointers. So, even if you write such programs, and if JRE comes to know that it may miss behave, JRE prevents it because .class files are directly under control of JRE.
    • So, because of these Java is secure and C, C++ are not secure languages
  • Follow This Link for Info about  Java  : ( Video )


Saturday, June 6, 2020

What is Technology ?

What is Technology?

        Innovation is the assortment of strategies, aptitudes, techniques, and procedures utilized in the creation of products or administrations or in the achievement of destinations, for example, logical examination. Innovation can be the information on methods, forms, and so on or it very well may be installed in machines, PCs, gadgets, and manufacturing plants, which can be worked by people without nitty-gritty information on the functions of such things.

       The human species' utilization of innovation started with the transformation of common assets into basic instruments. The ancient disclosure of how to control fire and the later Neolithic Revolution expanded the accessible wellsprings of food and the creation of the wheel helped people to go in and control their condition. Advancements in memorable occasions, including the print machine, the phone, and the Internet, have decreased physical hindrances to correspondence and permitted people to associate uninhibitedly on a worldwide scale. The consistent advancement of military innovation has brought weapons of ever-expanding damaging force, from clubs to atomic weapons.

History of Technology 

Stone Age - The improvement of basic apparatuses from wood or shards of rock and the disclosure of fire, which gave an approach to prepare food and make warmth and light, were mechanical advancements that permitted individuals to achieve assignments all the more effectively and rapidly. 

Bronze Age - The advancing capacity of man to work with metal enabled to shape more grounded apparatuses, and the presentation of the wheel permitted individuals more noteworthy capacity to travel and impart. 

Iron Age - The capacity to work with harder metals than copper and tin, to smelt iron, and to have the option to expel iron from metal took into account quick increments in weapons-production, brought the improvement of devices that advantage progress and gave the more noteworthy capacity to perform assignments, for example, assembling and transportation. 

PCs and the Internet - The capacity to perform essential reasoning procedures a lot quicker empowers business, science, and trade to continue considerably more effectively. 

A case of innovation is the Internet which has made exceptional data accessible to anybody with access in a matter of minutes and gives ongoing data about occasions the world over. 

A case of innovation was during the Stone Age when the primary blade or scoop was produced using a bit of stone or obsidian. 

A case of innovation is the items that were created during the space program, which have permitted engineers and different researchers to utilize varieties of these items and materials in assembling. 

A case of innovation is ultrasound, MRI, CAT filters, and different types of atomic imaging, which permit specialists to see inside the human body utilizing a mixing of clinical innovation, atomic innovation, and PC innovation.

Sunday, May 31, 2020

How can CMD be used to format hard disks?

How can CMD be used to format hard disks?

Here are a few orders that you may use for organizing a drive in a PC. 

Right off the bat, dispatch cmd by squeezing Win symbol + R on the console. 

At that point type the accompanying order to get plate designed. 

  • Type 'diskpart' 

  • Type 'list plate' 

  • Type 'select disk*' 

  • Type 'list volume' 
  • Type 'position fs=ntfs label=E brisk' or 'design fs=fat32 label=E snappy' or you may organize it to any record framework you need it to be. (You may supplant E with the one you need to arrange)  Type 'exit' when the organizing was done.   
  • Type ‘exit’ once the formatting was finished.                         
                                       ---- Figure 1 ----
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How to Create a Undeletable Folder Using Command Prompt ?

Command Prompt:-

   Command Prompt Can be defined as a “  Command Line Interpreter application available in most of Windows Operating System”. Interpreter in computing defines as a “  A Program that can be  analysis and execute a program step by step or you can say that execute a program line byline.”

     Command Prompt can also execute an entered an external command that command executed by a line by line. Many of these commands automate tasks via scripts or batch files performing by administrator functions and a Troubleshoot or solve certain kinds of Windows issues.

                                        ---- Figure 1 ----

Create an undeletable Folder using Command Prompt?

Follow these steps:-

  • ·    Open a Command Prompt 


                                      ---- Figure 2 ----

  • ·      Create unique Folder and Enter this Command Prompt.    

            Command: md aux\


                                       ---- Figure 3 ----


                                           ---- Figure 4 ----

  •     Undelete Folder is Created now We Can use it.
                                   ---- Figure 5 ----
  • ·      Guys This Folder We Can not Delete, Copy, Rename, or Paste.

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Wednesday, May 27, 2020

Command Prompt The Heart Of Operatinng System

 Command Prompt:-

      In many different computers have a different Operating Systems like Kali Linux, Ubuntu , Termux, Windows 8, and Windows 10. This Operating System contains a different system tools like a Kali Linux have a  Linux terminal, Ubuntu has a terminal, Termux have also a Linux package terminal and Windows 8 have a Command Prompt and Windows 10 have also Command Prompt.


      Command Prompt is basically  “Heart of the Operating System” as well as the main “Brain of the windows”. Command Prompt is the input area of  in a text based user interface display window for a program and operating system. It contains different types of text strings followed by a lightening cursor which were the user types of a different commands.

    A command prompt is a window tool it is also known as a “Command.Exe”. CLI “Command Line Interfaces”  is a prompt was the standard format of an interface for many different types of Computers and Laptops.


      The command prompt is more powerful than a different types of Executable files and tools that are not available through the Graphical User Interface can be accessed through it.


       Command Prompt Can be defined as a “  Command Line Interpreter application available in most of Windows Operating System”. Interpreter in computing defines as a “  A Program that can be  analysis and execute a program step by step or you can say that execute a program line byline.”


       Command Prompt can also execute a  entered a external commands that command executed by a line by line.Many of these commands  automate  tasks via scripts or a batch files  performing  by administrator functions  and  a Troubleshoot or a solve a certain kinds of Windows issues.

 Advantages of a Command Prompt:-

1.     More Complex tasks easily are done by using a command prompt. Command-Line can be scripted to automate different things to easily solved.


2.     Command Prompt in all cases much faster and easier to use for an expert.


3.    Command-line can be used remotely with a greater use than a GUI.


4.    Work was done easily.


5.    Proper Accurate Output  Shows.


6.    Command Prompt is very much faster.No GUI Overhead.


7.    It does not need a memory.

  Dis-Advantages of a Command Prompt:-

1.    Most of a different people, learning and remembering a different typed of commands is hard unless they used the different commands all the time.


2.    It’s steep learning of a curve.


3.    Which user is not used  a Command Line Interfacing, it is difficult to use.



4.    Its having a large number of commands inability to configure or you can say that its trouble to run.

Ipconfig: IP Configuration

  Ip Configuration Command is finished by  Network Trouble Shooting. This Command is employed for a return the detailed about information about your current network connection. It shows the right information about

·      Current IP Address

·      Subnet Mask

·      Current Domain

·      Default Gateway Ip

This Command help to unravel your troubleshoot problems.

         Command Syntax:-

---- Figure 1 ----

Saturday, May 23, 2020

Magical Dial Pad Traits

Dial Pad:-

Dial Pad is the only smartphone system that you will ever perform an Operations. It provides the ability to take your business calls as well as simple calls anytime and anywhere. Dial Pad has some magical codes to provide as well as great output or information of your smartphone. That information doesn’t know a user….because this information is hidden.


IMEI Number

It is International Mobile Equipment Identity.

Using this identical Number, you can easily verify any electronic gadgets on the smart phone network.

It is basically come with fifteen-digit code and it allocates to any GMS (Global system for mobile Communication) smartphone as well as CDMA (Code Division Multiple Access) smartphone gadgets.


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Wednesday, May 13, 2020

How to Bypass a Gmail account without a password ?

What is Grant Access Permission?

Grant Access Permission, Means The user to urge full access like read the mail, write mail, send the mail still as delete mail. Grant access to your Gmail account by adding a delegate.

    After we actually heard this word hack prefix to Gmail then in no time we would like to hack our friends Gmail.  So, guys here is that the simple bypass if someone has forgotten then log on the identical PC that you just are sitting.    
    Many times it happens she/he forgets to logout! But hence you'll be able to can do anything right at that moment but what about lifetime using her account without his/her credentials?

The precondition of this process :
1. Pc  OR Mobile of your Friend
2. On this phone or Laptop Internet Connection should be present
3. Gmail Account Present in your Friend’s Phone or Laptop.

Follow these Steps to Perform A ByPass Gmail Account without a password?  :-
• Open a Chrome Browser.
                           ----Figure 1 ----
• Check the internet Connection and Gmail Account of your Friend is present or not?

                           ---- Figure 2 ----

• Go to the Settings Option of Gmail Account.
                           ---- Figure 3 ----
• Choose the Options Account and Imports.
                           ---- Figure 4 ----
• Choose the Option “Grant access to your account” and click on an Add another Account.
                           ---- Figure 5  ----
• Click on add another account.
                           ---- Figure 6 ----
• Enter the Email Username to connect that account.
                           ---- Figure 7 ----
• After Enter your Email Username then show like this page (Verification Page). 
                           ---- Figure 8 ----

• Click on Send email to grant access and open a Your Email Username check the permission of Grant access of your account.
                           ---- Figure 9 ----
• Click On  Accept this Request and Click on a Confirm Button.
                           ---- Figure 10 ----
•After Click on a Confirm button, Go to the settings of your Friends account to check the grant access is accepted or not?
                           ---- Figure 11 ----                  
After 30 min to get access to Gmail Account.
                           ---- Figure 12 ----

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The Best Seller Book on Amazon "Magical Dial Pad Traits " .Buy this Book on Amazon and learn some new tricks.

The Best Seller Book on Amazon "CommandPromptTheHeart of Operating System ". Buy this Book on Amazon and learn something new and Explore your Knowledge skills.

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Tuesday, May 12, 2020

Checking your Partners browser history?

Checking your Partners browser history?

What is meant by Browsers History?
     Browser history is that the list of websites to the user search recently moreover as Data like page title and time of visit, which is recorded by application software.

Checking your Partners browser history?
        Once you use Google services, you’re trusting them along with your information. We understand that it's a giant responsibility and that they have to figure hard to guard your information and put dead under control.
They take plenty of effort while protecting your data. But just like the people who like to do crazy things can do a more little with it. view as an example if you're performing on your computer or any smartphone it'll need a google sign-in for working. So, here is that the crack for history. Delete everything from your phone or computer but the history is already saved on the servers of google via your google account.  
 So, if you wish to test actually what you've got done before 9 months  or before 20 minutes on your phone or pc or if you wish to spy on your employee or your children. it's none aside from the feature of google named as Google Activity

                             ----Figure 1 ----

                              ---- Figure 2 ----

Pre-Requisites Condition:-
  1.  Your Partners Google sign-on also on first.
  2.  Your partner's PC/Mobile even be there.
  3. The Internet also so present on PC/Mobile.

Follow this Steps to check your partners' browsers history?
Open the Web Browser ……..
                              ---- Figure 3 ----
1   Check the Pre-requistics Condition is available or not?
-                                   ---- Figure 4 ----
   Enter this URL On your Web browsers  Search Bar

                               ---- Figure 5 ----
   After entering this we will show like this webpage.

                                    ----Figure 6 ----
 You wish to test the precise date of knowledge then click on a filter by date and products.  
-                                 ---- Figure 7 ----
     Enter a date and search history of this date.

                                      ---- Figure 8  ----
-                                     ---- Figure 9 ----
     This is often thanks to checking your partner's browser’s history….

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Monday, April 27, 2020

Why You Needed a Google My Business and How to Create a Google My Business?

Why You Needed a Google My Business and How to Create a Google My Business?

Google My Business :

          Google My Business is free and easy to use an application for businesses and organizations to handle their online presence whole google, including G-Suite applications like Google Search and Google Maps. Google My Business helps to verify and create your business information, you can both help to connect with new customers and show your business online.
    ---- Figure 1 ----

Why you needed a Google My Business Account?

      For those peoples who do not know about anything of a Google My Business Account, Google MyBusiness Account is a free easy to use tool for your online search business to physically retail or present at their locations to manage how to handle your business on Google Search and Google Maps.
 It’s needed for Digital World Concept, to need to create your Google MyBusiness Account.

Google Business Account Features:-

  • Google Business helps your customers to find your physical location using Google Map Service.
  • Google Business helps your business improvement in online search visibility.
  • Google MyBusiness Account shows the proper information about your business and makes new customers to review or comments on your business account.
  • Google MyBusiness Account is a Complete free G-Suite Application.
  • Google MyBusiness help to your advertisement on an online platform to the free of cost.        
 How to Create a Google My Business Account?
You want to create a Google My Business Account on Google Platform.
Follow these steps:-
  Open a Google Chrome or Any Browser. 
                      ---- Figure 2 ----

Search Google My Business Login in URL Search Bar.
                      ---- Figure 3 ---- 
Click on Second Link ( Google My Business ) and Login Google My Business Account.
                      ---- Figure 4 ----
                      ---- Figure 5 ----
 Add your Business Address and Add your Recovery Mail, Phone Number.
                      ---- Figure 6 ---
Enter your information Google Account Show Page Like this:-
                      ---- Figure  7 ---- 
You enter in a Google My Business Account.
                      ----Figure 8 ----
                      ----Figure 9 ----
  • Home:- 
Home tab to show all information related to Google My Business Account.
  • Personal Info:-
Personal Info tab to Enter your Information about your business-related as well as personal Information.
  • Security:-
Security tab to provide your account will be security types like two-step verification and use your phone to sign in.
  • People and Sharing:-
People and Sharing tab to show your account contacts. People and sharing help to reach new peoples and find new customers. We can also share the Google Map Locations and Your Social media like Images, Videos, posts, blogs related to business, and different links related to your business.
  • Payments and Subscriptions:-
Payments and Subscriptions tab gives information about payment, and Recurring Payments and reservations.
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